Riverdale Family Practice

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We are proud to announce that Riverdale Family Practice has joined Optum

Please note that, effective April 17, the Riverdale Family Practice portal is no longer available. Rest assured, you and your provider continue to have access to all your medical history in the new Optum portal. The Optum patient portal is web-based and allows you to communicate with your physician securely. It also provides access to your personal health information, including recent doctor visits, prescription requests, renewals, and lab results

How do I access the new Optum portal?

Starting around April 12 and through April 18, an invitation email will be sent on behalf of Optum from patientservices@medfusion.net with the subject line “You’re invited to create a Patient Portal account at Optum.” The email invitation includes registration instructions and an activation link. We recommend you activate as soon as you receive your invitation. If you have any portal questions, please feel free to contact the Optum patient portal representative at 1‑914‑242‑1555.

For additional information or to book an appointment with your provider, please visit the Optum website ›

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